
I invite you to take the time to become present, to listen, to give your body the opportunity to feel heard and appreciated….

People come to the Feldenkrais Method for a variety of reasons.  Some are moving toward a goal like an easier golf swing, more comfort in sitting, and enhanced performance in dance or aerial classes.  Others are moving away from something they no longer wish to have in their lives, like pain and discomfort.  Some struggle with fibromyalgia and sleep issues, and are looking for a way to calm down and re-connect with their bodies.  Wherever you are on this spectrum, the Feldenkrais Method can help you to expand your movement possibilities as you develop greater sensitivity and efficiency in your chosen activities.   

Do you value learning?  Are you interested in improving your quality of movement?  Do you have a desire to build healthier habits?  Do you want to develop more self-care routines?  Are you recovering from an injury?  Do you want to live your life with more ease and less struggle?  Are you ready for a change? 

Awareness Through Movement® (Group Classes) and Functional Integration® lessons (Private Lessons) are exploratory movement experiences that involve thinking, sensing, moving, and imagining.  The essence of the Feldenkrais Method is learning how to learn. When you begin to embody the exploration in learning, you regain a deeper sense of freedom and a curiosity about life that is profound. Before you know it, you are moving past the limitations that brought you here and are cultivating a life that is full of possibilities.



Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, and Functional Integration® are Service Marks of The FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America.

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